Preschool (Birth thru Four years old)

Our youngest members will enjoy the comfort and security of a well-seasoned teacher. We believe that children are a blessing from the Lord and with these blessings also come responsibilities. As stewards of God’s children, we strive to provide an environment in which children are safe while enjoying age-appropriate activities.  For our young ones, we hope this class will be the first step toward developing a life-long relationship with God.


Sunday Friends (Four years thru 1st Graders)

This class is a weekly highlight for these students because they get to see their “Sunday friends.”  Learning comes in a variety of ways in this class, such as visuals, activities and crafts to name a few.  This class likes a lot of movement, so games and play are also a part of the morning.  The teacher describes the class as “no other class like it!”  During these years, students will learn the basic Bible stories and begin to understand their connection with God.


Wiggling Worshipers (2nd-4th Graders)

This class lays the foundation for our younger church members, teaching them why they need to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, how to use their Bibles, how to pray, and basic church procedures.  Lessons are currently topical and are paired with a corresponding Bible story.  Many major Bible stories which apply practical life lessons everyone should know, are covered in this class.  Because these students are lively and energetic, they often move around the classroom, experiencing multiple activities each week.  Favorites include flannel board stories, DVD video clips, drama, games, and crafts.  The goal of the class is to learn while having fun!


The Drop (Youth) (Middle School / High School)

We have a discussion style class covering chapter by chapter of the Bible.  Our goal is to see youth grow in their relationship with Christ while letting go of their burdens and struggles.  In this class, we are relatable & love deeply and have no judgment because we have been there.  Come join us as we learn and grow together!


Mix & Match (Mixed Adults)

This class of younger- middle-aged adults includes, but is not limited to, college/career age and parents of school-aged children.  Current event studies, as well as short term small group series, are covered.  This group strives to provide a place of support and fellowship where discussion is encouraged with each member relating their life experiences in the context of the study topic.


Life Truths (Mixed Adults)

We combine relationship-building with Bible-based lessons and include discussion on a wide variety of topics.  We strive to provide weekly encouragement to each member, and a non-threatening learning environment for new and growing Christians.  If you are looking for a place to fit in and meet new friends, please visit our class.


Koinonia (Mixed Adults)

Our class is comprised mostly of empty nesters and senior adults.  We tend to focus on topical and specific book studies with the goal of students growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.  Our goal is to minister and pray for others while providing a friendly atmosphere that draws class members together.


Explore the Bible (Mixed Adults)

We have a mixed group of adults in various age ranges.  Our teaching style includes discussion, topical, and many times specific book studies.  We strive to be a welcoming class that is serious about the study of God’s message to us.  Class discussion is encouraged as we share how the lessons apply to our lives.  We occasionally participate in mission projects and hope to have quarterly outreach luncheons.


Bible Voyagers (Mixed Adults)

This friendly group of empty nesters to seniors is team taught.  This lends itself to two different styles of teaching and includes a wide variety of components – discussion, topical, specific book study, lecture, handouts, and visual aids.  Currently they are using Masterworks literature, supplemented with outside references.  They are a close knit group who are committed to their members along with reaching out to visitors.


Dorcas Class (Mixed Adults 70+ years)

If you like traditional old-time hymn singing, along with a chance to discuss personal experiences of faith, this may be a class of interest.  This group consists of experienced, loving and faithful seniors who have come together to make a “family.”